When you use direct response marketing, you give yourself a way to measure your success. You immdiately know whether your ad is working or not, and it allows you to make changes on the fly. You will always want to use direct response as opposed to brand advertising.
So what's so great about direct response marketing? Well, direct response allows you to calculate the cost per lead, and the cost per sale. Armed with this information, you can go out and start figuring out how many ads you need ot run to meet a certain income amount, and the best places to run your ads in.
Direct response should also be applied to internet marketing. Make sure you have a lead capturing device on your website so that you can follow up on all of the people who signed up to receive more information from you.
All of this happens really fast, but with brand advertising, you have no idea as to whether or not your ads are working for you - because you have no way to track them.
Stick with direct response because the feedback is fast. If you're ad bombed, you know immediately. If your ad was a success, you know immediately. This is the benefits of using direct response marketing in your business today.
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