Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Marketing Tips: Always use direct response

When you use direct response marketing, you give yourself a way to measure your success. You immdiately know whether your ad is working or not, and it allows you to make changes on the fly. You will always want to use direct response as opposed to brand advertising.

So what's so great about direct response marketing? Well, direct response allows you to calculate the cost per lead, and the cost per sale. Armed with this information, you can go out and start figuring out how many ads you need ot run to meet a certain income amount, and the best places to run your ads in.

Direct response should also be applied to internet marketing. Make sure you have a lead capturing device on your website so that you can follow up on all of the people who signed up to receive more information from you.

All of this happens really fast, but with brand advertising, you have no idea as to whether or not your ads are working for you - because you have no way to track them.

Stick with direct response because the feedback is fast. If you're ad bombed, you know immediately. If your ad was a success, you know immediately. This is the benefits of using direct response marketing in your business today.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Marketing Tips: Why you?

If you can't differentiate yourself from your competitors, then you will have a hard time with gaining more sales in your business. Do you know what a "USP" is? A USP stands for "unique selling proposition", and it answers the following question:

"Why should I choose you, versus any of the other businesses in your niche?"

This is an essential question, because if you don't have a good answer for it, you're more than likely going to have a hard time in your business. So what are some of the ways that you can go about creating a USP? Well actually, coming up with one is really easy.

For example, one USP is a product that is new to the marketplace. If you have a product that is exclusive to you (and only you)... then you stand a good chance of getting alot of news sales and customers, all while beating the pants off of your competitors.

Before you start marketing, ask yourself: "Is this a product that is unique to the marketplace? Or is this another "me too" kind of product. If your product is "me too", then the bulk of your prospects will more than likely go to the business owner that they've known the longest.

Come up with a unique selling proposition as fast as you can. Because the sooner you come up with one, the sooner you can start seeing more sales and profits coming your way.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Marketing Tips: Market high-quality products

When you're struggling in business, it's so easy to offer low quality products just to produce a sale of some sort. But this is something that you don't want to do. For one, it affects your reputation, and for 2, you won't earn alot of money this way.

Even during "down times", stick with offering products and services that your prospects, customers, and clients will benefit from. You never know the kind of person that you'll attract to your business, and how much money they will spend. So stick with delivering high quality products, so that you can keep your reputation intact, and to earn more repeat sales from these customers.

People can sense when you're after just a quick buck, so keep your marketing engines in gear, and deliver value that is worth its weight in gold. A low quality product benefits no one. Your customers aren't happy because this isn't what they paid for, and you will take a hit (most likely) in the form of a refund.

It doesn't matter what kind of action you want your prospect to take. Make sure you're offering something worth of value, and something you can see yourself benefiting from. This kind of mindset will help to ensure that you're recommending top quality products, and that your customers will be happy with their selection.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Marketing Tips: Create your marketing tools first

Before you start a bit of marketing, make sure you've developed your marketing materials first. This is to ensure that you have a marketing plan that is thorough and that doesn't fail. You won't want to stop production of your plan just to create marketing materials. Simply create them so that you can have a smooth operation.

The bottom line is that once you're in the day to day operations of running your business, you won't have time to stop and focus on different parts of your marketing strategy. Put your marketing tools on autopilot so that you don't have to stop what you're doing to gather new business.

So take a few days out of this week and develop a long list of marketing materials that will be beneficial to your business. Create your sales letter, your ads, you email autoresponder series, your articles on your website, and etc. The more prepared you are with marketing your business, then more money you'll make in your business.

This is marketing 101, and I hope you employ these strategies into your business today. Once you have your marketing materials created, you can focus in on running your business - without having to stop to create a new ad or direct mail piece. Keep these tips in mind when marketing your products and services.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Marketing Tips: Automate the process of getting a lead

The more things you can automate in your business, the more happier you will become. You see automating alot of aspects in your business can give you more free time to do the things that you love. Isn't this why you went into business in the first place? You should be entitled to have your cake and to eat it too.

One area of your business that you will definitely want to automate is the lead generation area. With each new leads that you get, you should be able to put them into a marketing cycle that has been proven to convert prospects into customers time and time again. If you don't want to hire someone to do your marketing for you, there are a few things that you have at your disposal.

For example, you could lead your prospects to your website and have them sign up to your email newsletter, and then make your email "autoresponder" send them timely messages about coupons and information about your business.

In the offline world, you can lead your prospects to a 1-800 number, and have them leave their name and mailing address. Once you receive this piece of information, send them your first letter that will attempt to turn them into a customer.

You want to find a way to automate getting a lead because this is where your marketing will begin. Along with generating a lead, you have to fulfill products, deal with customer service, and the other aspects that go into running your business. With all of this work, the one thing that don't need to be worrying about is how to convert leads into customers.

Be sure to use these tips to automate your business as much as possible.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Marketing Tips: Make it easy to respond

The last thing you want in your business is running an ad that makes it hard for prospects to respond to. The best thing that you can do in your ad is to make it as "clear as day" when it comes to contacting you after you've subconsciously won them over.

Make sure that your call to action is just as important as the headline of your ad. This will ensure that prospects know how to contact you when responding to your free offer. You don't want to people to jump through hoops just to finally attain what it is that you're offering, because prospects like these won't waste their time on you and your ad - they will just turn the page and look somewhere else.

I see very long full page ads and display ads that fail to make responding an easy thing to do. I know business owners who are running these ads fail to get the response that they're hoping for because of the many tasks that a prospect has to do to take action. Don't do this - just make sure your close is simple.

If you have a website, list your website information also. Your phone number should be clearly seen, and it should be printed in "bold" (along with your website address).  This way, prospects can clearly see how to contact you for more information. Take these tips and use them to make more money in your business.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Marketing Tips: Know what your prospects want

Do you have a good understanding about what it is that your target market wants? If not, then it's probably the reason why you're having difficulty with increasing your sales and profits. The fact of the matter is that, if you don't do your homework when it comes down to figuring out the wants and needs of your customers, you will have a hard time in business.

In order to promote an effective product to your market, you have to first figure out what it is that they want. You see most business owners get the product 1st, and then try to figure out what audience to sell it to. Well this is just the wrong way to go about promoting your product.

Instead, what you want to do is very simple. Start by figuring out what it is that your prospects' wants or needs, and THEN find a product that will help them to achieve their goals. This is an easy way to shift your thinking of marketing, and to make you more profitable.

If you can develop a strong understanding of the marketplace, it will be easier for you to promote your products. For example, if you're a marketing consultant, and you discover that your clients want to get more new customers faster so that they can spend more time on the golf course... you could create a product that serves just this purpose.

You would want to start the headline of your ad someway like this: "New Recruiting Tool Automates Marketing So You Can Spend More Time Playing Golf!"

I'm willing to bet that this headline will get the attention of alot of business owners. All business owners want to get customers, but would love to spend less time doing it. So if a product comes along and shows you how to get more new customers without working so hard to do so, I'm confident that it will catch the eyes of most business owners.

Make sure you know what your prospects' want before you spend a dime on marketing. You'll be more profitable this way.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Marketing Tips: Advertise your free offer everywhere

No matter where you advertise, you always want to promote your free offer anywhere that you can. You see a free offer will catch the attention of any passing viewer - especially if your ad is running in a publication where your targeted prospects' read on a daily basis.

With your free offer, you separate yourself amongst all of the other businesses who are trying to sell their product via their ad. You will get alot of interesting leads and prospects from your free offer, so important that you have a strong follow up campaign to convert these leads into customers.

You want to think of your marketing methods as a form of "telephone pole marketing". What i mean by "telephone pole" marketing is that if a prospect was to see your ad on a telephone pole, would they pickup the phone and respond to your ad?Well as unconventional it sounds, this is exactly what you want to try to do with your advertising.

List your free offer everywhere you go - even on a telephone pole. You'll be able to cut through all the clutter, and your prospect will see you as a friend, rather than someone who is just out to get their money.

Your free offer should be displayed prominently everywhere that you go. This strategy will take you a long way instead of "pushing" your product unto people. With the free offer technique, you'll see that people will come to you for your help, instead of you coming to them, and begging for their business.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Marketing Tips: Give first to prove your worth

The title of this post is very important. If you want your prospects to do business with and to view you as an expert in your niche, one of the best things that you can do is to give something that's of value, and then prove your worth.

You see your prospects don't have alot of time to waste. They're looking for a solution, and they need it now. But they won't just join any old kind of company. You have to be someone that they look upon as an expert. The only way to make your customers and clients feel this way, is to offer some free information.

You see your prospects only see those ads that attempts to sell them something. But your refreshing ad will catch their attention - because all they're used to seeing are ads that are designed to sell. Your free offer will work especially if you make it known upfront that your offer is free.

People are looking for information or a product that could change their life. So before you even run your ad, ask this question to yourself:

"What's in it for me?"

This is a question that all prospects want to know the answer to, so make it clear that you're offering something for free that they can take a look at, and or even try before they make a purchasing decision.

Offering something for free is definitely a great way to give first and prove your worth, and your prospects will feel the same way once they see that what you're offering is of high value. Be sure to start proving your worth this way with all of your products and services.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Marketing Tips: Continue marketing

If you want to make sure that you make money even in bad times, you should make sure that you're still receiving a constant flow of leads to your business. Without an effective lead generating system, you will have a hard time with your ROI because you're not generating leads and not following up on them. This is very essential to your marketing success.

Even though 80% of your business profits will come from sales on the "backend" (repeat customers), you should still have an effective way to come up with new business own demand. If you're currently running an advertising campaign and its bringing in a new flow of leads each day, then you will want to find more publications to advertise your ad in.

However, if your ad isn't producing the kind of results that you'd hoped for, then it maybe time to change the ineffective ad. Take a look at your ad and see where you can improve it. Check the headline of the ad and the call to action.

People will read your headline, and then immediately look at the bottom to your call to action. Make sure your headline is good and that you reiterate the key points of your ad. If you are offering a free offer or some sort, you want to mention this in the final sentences of your ad.

With a strong lead generation campaign, you can continue to market your business as normal and know that you're receiving a nice flow of new prospects on a daily basis. So continue to market as normal when you get a lead, and you should start seeing more income come in on a daily basis.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Marketing Tips: Automate everything

I'm sure you started your own small business because you wanted to spend less time working, and spend more time with your family and friends. This is why I started my own business also, and if there's one thing that i definitely do know, it's that you have to put your marketing on autopilot.

What does "autopilot" mean? Well it simply means that all of your marketing efforts are streamlined. The best way to get the idea of "automating your business" is to take a look at the model of ebooks.

Ebooks (electronic books) is a way for prospects and customers to download your book immediately after they purchase. There's no waiting for delivery to their home because all they have to do is download it from your website. Selling ebooks is an autopilot business that many people are engaged in, and it's something that you should consider also if you want to have a 2nd source of automatic income.

Here are some of the ways that you can put your small business on autopilot:

1) Hire a manager to oversee the operations of things

2) Outsource your offline order taking service to a company who will do it for you 24/7

3) Start your own website and get automatic customers this way

4) Use pay per click advertising online and get visitors to visit your website and leave their name and contact info.

5) And etc.

The possibilities are endless if you want to automate your business, so go out there and start using the tips in this blog post immediately.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Marketing Tips: Create a system for capturing leads

If you can get a lead, then you have the foundation of what will eventually be a successful business. If you want to stay afloat in your business, you need a constant stream of new leads coming in daily. This means that your ads and other marketing pieces must be on point if you want to pull leads on a daily basis.

This means that you can actually predict how much money you can make on a monthly basis, just by the number of leads that you have coming in. So if you can make predictions about sales, then you obviously can predict the amount of money that you will make this year, and how to go about raising this number.

To raise this number, the easiest way to do this is by running more ads. If you have created a whiz-bang ad that is really bringing in the leads, then you will want to duplicate and run this ad in other publications than the one you're in now. With more ads working for you 24/7, you can easily boost your bottom line in a matter of months.

But do keep in mind how well a publication is pulling for you. If you advertise in the newspapers and have gotten good results, and have advertised in a local magazine also, take a look at the hard data that is showing you how much each ad is costing you. If one ad is pulling but the other ad isn't, it's time to scrap the ad that isn't working and run more of the first ad that is making you the most money.

If you're advertising in a newspaper and are doing well with that ad, consider running that same ad in a different area of newspaper. This way your marketing message will get heard twice for the same amount of effort. You see people only read and pay attention to certain parts of the newspaper. So if you can get seen by these types of people, then it's a good chance that your efforts will work for you.

Getting leads is an easy thing to do, and if you want to get more of them, simply duplicate your marketing message in more areas and publications. Keep these tips in mind as you advertise your small business.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Marketing Tips: Value each lead that you get

New leads are the backbone of every successful business. Because without a fresh, new group of leads coming through on a daily business, your business will suffer. You should never ignore a lead who have requested "raised their hand" and requested more information.

You see the leads that are worthwhile are those who take immediate action in response to your ad. As we all know, not every lead is the same, so you will have to figure out how you want to go about chasing after leads and converting these people into custoemrs - so that you can decrease your overall costs of getting a new customer.

I mentioned this before in one of my posts and I will say it again: nothing happens until you get a lead. It doesn't matter if you have a whiz-bang product, a good sales letter, and good backend offers. If you can't get a lead to raise their hand and say "yes" to you, then all of this effort that you've put into making sales are futile.

So each lead that you get should be treated like gold. Don't stop contacting them after one month. Continue to mail them for a whole year so that you can have the chance of following up on them with your marketing and sales message.

Your goal should be to capture each lead, turn them into customers, and get them to buy from you over and over again. But in order to do this, you first have to start off with alot of leads to sell to, and this all falls back to your advertising piece.

The people in your business who are the "hottest" for selling more of your products and services to immediately are those leads who (just recently) bought something from you. These brand new customers are ripe and open to learn more about what you have to offer them, so if you can immediately try to upsell them on a different product that you have, then you can really make alot of money this way.

Make sure you value your lead because each new lead that you get are worth something to you. If you figure out that each new lead you get is worth $1 to you, then do what you can to get more leads so that you can immediately advance the sales process to these new leads, and earn quick profits in return.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below: