Saturday, April 30, 2011

Marketing Tips: Be on your "grind" everyday

Are you discouraged because you're not seeing as much sales as you would like to? I know how it feels to be in this position also. You see I'm someone who is used to having things go my way, but when it came to marketing my business, I failed time and time again.

Before I started in my own marketing and consulting business, I was an IT Technician for this major company who had over 70 locations all over the USA. I was good at my job, but the desire of having my own business continued to look over my head. Something had to be done, and if I wanted to avoid the inevitable doom of failing in my business again, I would have to do something different.

So what about you? Are you one of the many business owners who are struggling to make ends meet? If you're seeking more customers but are having a hard time doing so, maybe you should try marketing your business differently. Not having a constant stream of new customers is only a symptom, not a disease. Disgruntled business owners tend to blame everything under the sun - but few will accept the responsibility for their own results. Fewer still will actually do something about it.

If you want to increase your sales and profits, you’ve got to put the wheels in motion first. You can’t sit back and do anything. Be proactive with your marketing efforts, and find new and creative ways to get your message out to your targeted audience. 

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Marketing Tips: Fulfill prospect requests fast and quickly

No customer wants to deal with a slowly-responding company, so do your best to ship out products quickly and to respond to requests as soon as possible. In today's world of the internet, people are looking for instant gratification. If you can be one of these business owners who fulfill requests fast, you can easily separate yourself from the pack, and come across as a company that people want to do business with.

Fast delivery creates a positive experience for the prospect, increasing the chances they’ll buy. If you’re offering your own product, look for new ways to produce and deliver your products faster. This one significant breakthrough in this area of your business can make a huge difference in your sales and profits. It will also help to prevent customer remorse.

You shouldn't have to hire additional staff members to fulfill products in a considerably fast amount of time.  The only time where it may be necessary to hire more staff is if your business is having so much success that the only way to keep it at this level is to hire more staff. Aside from that, you should be able to handle fulfilling prospects requests quickly.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Marketing Tips: Deal only with trustworthy companies and suppliers

This should be obvious, but alot of business owners are so desperate for money, that they will choose to do business with every and anybody... including untrustworthy people.

You don’t want to get stuck investing in advertising for an inferior product - or a vendor who can’t deliver relatively quickly.

Look for case studies, testimonials, proven techniques, established track records, and potentially lucrative arrangements that allow you to get maximum profits with as little risk as possible. When it's clear that your next supplier has all of these things in order, it's probably likely that you are dealing with a trustworthy company.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Marketing Tips: Promote winning products

When searching for the best product or service to market, ensure that these basic items are in order before you begin:

  • Reliable production/duplication system
  • Available inventory at all times
  • Fast delivery anytime, anywhere
  • Proven marketing system
  • Adequate assets to operate and expand
If you can come prepared with these basic items, you will have a stronger chance of success when it comes to your marketing efforts.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marketing Tips: Believe in what you offer

Part of successful marketing is having a solid product, service, or opportunity to promote. It doesn’t matter if it’s yours or someone else’s. What does matter is that whatever you’re promoting is something you believe in with all your heart and soul.

If you have any doubts about your marketing and advertising plan, rethink your strategy. Either revise your product, service or offer so you can proceed with unshakeable confidence and resolve, or pursue something else altogether. It will save you alot of time and frustration. Trust me: I speak from experience.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Marketing Tips: Have a strategy for every ad that you run

It's very important that you strategize your ads that favor you in the most desirable light.

Discover the most wanted result and then package your offer to be the “ultimate solution”. It’s a surefire way to get more prospects coming to you – rather than you pursuing them. It’s about magnetically “pulling” people to you – instead of “pushing” your product or service upon the marketplace. This attraction is how you will increasing your sales and profits.

With this approach to business, prospects are naturally drawn to you. This is what separates your business from the crowd. In a world of “me-too” marketing where most sellers focus on their products more than their prospects, you’ll be seen as a helpful alternative and a refreshing change - and buyers like that.

Take this fundamentally different approach and you’ll gain an obvious advantage over your competitors. It will be clear to see from buyers.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Marketing Tips: Refine your search for prospects

Locating a “hungry” niche market is an important first step – one that is overlooked by far too many info-preneurs and business owners. The more specific you are in defining and pinpointing your target market, the more your carefully crafted message calls out to true prospects -- and the more you stack the deck in your favor.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marketing Tips: Give them a taste of the very thing they most want

Allow your prospects to experience a sample of the benefits you have to offer with their purchase. Find a starving crowd and whet their appetite by shaping your “free introductory offer” to suit their specific wants and needs.

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Marketing Tips: Remove all obstacles

Give them what they want and remove any barrier that stands in the way of prospects receiving it. Make your offer easy to receive, collect, download, or redeem. Do that and you’ll have a large pool of potential customers you can sway your way with a carefully targeted message that hits home.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Marketing Tips: Identify and isolate an already existing “hungry market”

Spot the void and you’ll have little trouble drawing a large and continuous flow of interested and qualified prospects. The key to the vault in business is to tap into a market with a craving that needs to be fulfilled.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Marketing Tips: Discover what your prospects desperately want - and then supply it

Observe the unmet needs and desires of your target market. Seek out what is lacking now, that were it available, would likely satisfy this definable group of people. Then it’s simply a matter of supplying the demand. Answer the call in the most appealing way possible.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Marketing Tips: Focus on prospecting

Too many businesses of all sizes focus on sales and profits. But that’s only part of the equation and NOT the most important part. Business success begins much earlier in the cycle – at the prospecting stage. But just any “prospect” or “lead” won’t do.

You want interested, targeted prospects who not only need what you offer -- but want it and are willing to spend money to acquire these alluring benefits for themselves.

Prospects are the foundation. A flow of quality leads or prospects is what fuels your business. Good quality leads convert to customers in higher percentages.

The higher that rate of conversion, the lower your costs and the more profit you’ll earn. A steady stream of qualified leads keeps your vital business machinery functioning.

Prospects become customers and paying customers are what effectively put you in business from day one -- and keeps your business open and thriving.

Without a large pool of interested prospects, you’ll only grow frustrated. Sooner or later, a lack of customers will drive your operation (even if it’s the best-financed and organized operation) out of business.

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Marketing Tips: Insure your business against failure

Few businesses fail when they enjoy a consistent stream of topnotch leads. Quality leads are fresh, hot prospects that are ready, willing, and able to spend money on products and services that solve their pressing problems, or move them closer to their dreams.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Marketing Tips: Start from square one

In business, the ultimate goal is maximum profit. But the first step is to identify specific markets that are hungry for the benefits your product or service provides. These are high-probability customers.

Work those markets to collect grade “A” prospects... then work those prospects over and over again to convert the maximum number into first-time customers. Then serve those customers well so they continue to buy from you again and again.

Follow these steps in this order when marketing and advertising for customers:

1.) MARKET – identifiable segment of the marketplace

2.) PROSPECTS – expressed interest in your offer

3.) CUSTOMERS – willing to spend money to acquire what is offered

4.) SALES – actual revenue generated from first time buyers and repeat buyers

5.) PROFIT – bottom line results

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Marketing Tips: Narrow your marketing efforts

Choose a select audience, rather than the mass market. Effective prospecting is about going after people most likely to buy from you. So start with the more general mass market, and refine it to the specific group(s) most likely to buy your product.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Marketing Tips: Profit from your prospect list

Good prospects are golden. But leads that don’t convert to customers are still an asset that can be sold elsewhere – earning you additional revenue. But don’t give up good names too early in the process.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thank You for visiting the Renegade Billionaire Offline Marketing Blog!

Hello there! My name is Daniel Kanuck, and i would like to thank you for visiting my blog. Here you will find insightful marketing nuggets that you can use to make more money in your offline business. If you have any questions or want to receive free personal help from me, feel free to send me an email at Have a great day!