Monday, November 14, 2011

Marketing Tips: Entice your reader to action!

If you've ran multiple ads and have had many people take you up on your free offer, but none has yet to buy from you, I know how this feel. But the truth of the matter is that as a smart entrepreneur, you have to keep marketing, and keep running your lead-generation ads.

Why should you do this? Well, it's for a simple reason really. You see you will get some people who buy from you the moment they see your sales presentation. This is about 20% of the leads that you generate. Then then there's another 60% of those who will buy from you if you continue to follow up on them. The remaining 20% will never buy from you - but it's ok... because the sales that you get from the first 80% will far surpass the people who don't buy from you.

If you feel overwhelmed with your marketing, know that sales are on the way! You can't give up. It may take a few months before the 60% of your clients buy from you, and trust me when I tell you, it's well worth the wait. Keep marketing as usual, and watch your sales and profits increase.
For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

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