Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Marketing Tips: Value each lead that you get

New leads are the backbone of every successful business. Because without a fresh, new group of leads coming through on a daily business, your business will suffer. You should never ignore a lead who have requested "raised their hand" and requested more information.

You see the leads that are worthwhile are those who take immediate action in response to your ad. As we all know, not every lead is the same, so you will have to figure out how you want to go about chasing after leads and converting these people into custoemrs - so that you can decrease your overall costs of getting a new customer.

I mentioned this before in one of my posts and I will say it again: nothing happens until you get a lead. It doesn't matter if you have a whiz-bang product, a good sales letter, and good backend offers. If you can't get a lead to raise their hand and say "yes" to you, then all of this effort that you've put into making sales are futile.

So each lead that you get should be treated like gold. Don't stop contacting them after one month. Continue to mail them for a whole year so that you can have the chance of following up on them with your marketing and sales message.

Your goal should be to capture each lead, turn them into customers, and get them to buy from you over and over again. But in order to do this, you first have to start off with alot of leads to sell to, and this all falls back to your advertising piece.

The people in your business who are the "hottest" for selling more of your products and services to immediately are those leads who (just recently) bought something from you. These brand new customers are ripe and open to learn more about what you have to offer them, so if you can immediately try to upsell them on a different product that you have, then you can really make alot of money this way.

Make sure you value your lead because each new lead that you get are worth something to you. If you figure out that each new lead you get is worth $1 to you, then do what you can to get more leads so that you can immediately advance the sales process to these new leads, and earn quick profits in return.

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