Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Marketing Tips: Attract lucrative leads and prospects

If you didn't already know, not all prospects are the same. You see you have 3 levels of prospects in terms of quality:

1) There's the tire kickers
2) There's the "maybe" prospects
3) And there's the prospects who's ready to buy now

By default, you will get more tire kickers than any of the other 2 groups of prospects. So how do you turn tire kickers into lucrative prospects? It's simple: by getting their contact information and following up on them with your sales materials.

But there's another group of people that is far more lucrative than the prospects that are willing to buy now. These people are your current customers. You don't have to persuade them to make another purchase because they already like you and enjoy doing business with you. So hopefully you don't exclude them from your list of high rank prospects.

You see the easiest sale you can make is to an existing customer. A satisfied customer has already put their trust in you to deliver whatever was promised. You don’t have to sell them again on the merits of doing business with you, because you have started a new relationship with these people.

Your current customers are “high-quality” prospects for your next offer – and are a tremendous asset. Your goal should be to build a lifelong relationship with your customers so that you can extract maximum value and profits from them.

Creating lifelong customers should be a primary objective of every offline business owner. You want customers who will repeat the buying process over and over again - and it takes a great relationship with your customers to help you to do that. Be sure to do whatever you can now to build valuable relationships with your customers today.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below: http://www.renegade-billionaire.com/offlinemarketing.html

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