Friday, May 27, 2011

Marketing Tips: How to get higher conversion rates

Alot of business owners want to know how they can get a higher conversion rate on their marketing pieces. But very few are willing to put in the work needed to boost their sales and profits.

There are actually quite a bit of things that you can do to boost your conversion rates. One thing that you can do is mail out (contact) the leads and customers that you have acquired on a monthly basis. The more mailings you make out to these people, the more they will become receptive of your sales message.

This is especially true on the internet. Online, it takes an average of 7 contacts before a prospect will buy from you. In the offline world, it takes an average of 3 contacts before they will buy from you. So you just have to stay in their ear.

You see your prospects may not be able to respond right now. However maybe in about a month or 2, their needs may change and they might end up being a perfect candidate for your offer.

Besides contacting your list on a monthly basis, you can also use a number of "tricks" that will subconsciously "push" your prospects into doing business. For example, the next time you mail out your direct mail, attach a one-dollar bill to the top of the letter. This will get your prospect's attention, and will compel them to read every word of your letter.

Another thing that you can do is to attach a yellow "sticky note", and write something personal on it. You can write something like, "Hey John, here's the free report that you requested." Whatever your free offer is, just replace the "free report" with your free offer.

Increasing conversions are easy, but like I said, very few will go the extra mile to put it into action. Hopefully you're not one of these people, and you're someone who is very proactive in their business. Get out there and start marketing today, and watch your sales and profits increase.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:


1 comment:

  1. How one can improve conversion rate on their website ? Are there some working tips and strategies following which one can have an improved conversion rate ? By following this article I learn some ideas that are of great use.
    increase conversion rates
