In the marketing sequence, there's a time to sell and there's a time to be helpful. The bottom line is that not every prospect is ready to buy when they first meet you. Because of this, you want to be in the back of their mind when they make the decision to buy. The way to do this is by offering helpful information that they will deem as relevant.
In fact, this "pushing" mentality is the same reason why so many business owners find themselves going out of business. To really gain a receptive ear, start by promoting a free offer of some sort. That way you can gain your prospect's contact information and be there when they make the decision to buy.
One of the most ineffective thing to do is to try and sell your product in an ad. The bottom line is that you don't have enough space to close a viewer on a sale. So to counteract this, start by offering some free information. At the lead generation stage, all you want to be concerned about is gathering your prospect's contact information.
This is how you will get people to come to you, instead of the other way around. By offering free information, you'll get a "yes" response from your prospects - and this is how you want to begin your relationship with them.
After they say yes, follow up on them with your free offer, and continue to mail them once a month until they buy or until 12 months is up. You can really improve your response rate by simply following this idea.
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