Sunday, May 1, 2011

Marketing Tips: Only spend money to attract qualified prospects

One problem that most business owners have is that they spend money on advertising just to get a handful (and yes, only a handful) of prospects. This is usuallly because most business owners rely on brand advertising instead of using direct response marketing.

With brand advertising, you're relying on the concept that it will take time to improve your business. However this is not the case. You should always use direct response marketing because it's geared around bringing you instant results. There's no waiting to hopelessly "get your message out there" -- instead, it's based solely on the premise that you will see results immediately.

With that being said, you have to always be on the lookout for new potential customers. Don’t just open your doors and expect to have major success. You have to proactively marketing your products and services. Success is all about marketing, and marketing begins by prospecting for new customers. Everything else is just an expense.

So do your best to attract only qualified prospects who have the ability to pay now.
These are the best kind of leads that you can get, and when you get them, I suggest that you do everything in your power to make sure that they stay with you - and stay with you for a long time before finally making the sale.

For more offline marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:

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