The goal of your marketing efforts should be to provide a solution to a problem that is desperately needed in the marketplace. And one way to do this is by repackaging your products or service. In layman's terms, this is called bundling. And with bundling, you can sell products that wouldn't have sold if you tried to promote it alone.
Stay on top of the marketplace and be in tuned to your prospects. One way to do this is to subscribe to your industries's trade journal. Here you will learn about all of the latest issues and problems that an average customer/client will have. With this information in your hands, it should be easy to offer a product that is virtually guaranteed to solve your customer's problem.
By focusing your efforts on the prospect first, you'll easily discover a product that can be suited to fit there needs. And the internet has made it easy to find problems that needs to be solved.
Simply start your search in a forum in your niche. More than likely you will find similar business owners (who offer the same thing as you) with problems that are going on in their local area. And more than likely, the problems that they're having is also a problem that you're having.
Just remember to focus your attention on the problem first, then go and discover the product. You'll be more productive, you'll spend less money, and you'll make your customer's happy. And a happy customer spends lots and lots of money with you down the road.
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