In your business, you have to make it a point to get as niche specific as possible. Never should you try to market your product to everyone. If you're targeting your message to "everyone" - you'll reach no one. So focus your marketing efforts to a specific group of people who are likely to respond to you.
Even though you may have a product that "everyone" should want and have, the truth of the matter is that your core audience will more than likely be a deep sub-set of the "everyone" group that you were thinking of selling your products to.
You can't go around marketing to "everyone" because no one would pay attention to your message. For example, I could offer my marketing services to business owners who read the USA Today newspaper, but I'd be out of my mind if I were to do that. I'm much better off running the ad in a business magazine instead of spending money on the highly popular USA Today papers.
Getting niche specific is also good for operating in a competition free zone. The more niche specific you can get - the better. You can more than likely offer higher prices than your competitors, all while secretly kicking their butts. I suggest you start using niche marketing today to stay ahead of your competition.
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